Dad's (Jeff's) Famous Steak

3:39 PM
Jeff's Famous Steak, my son's favorite steak recipe he keeps the family thinking he is a great grilling champ.

My Son's children were always asking me "Have you had some of Dad's Famous Steak?" Famous Steak, what recipe is that?

These are my 9 and 8 year old Grandchildren who are so taken by their Dad's steak recipe he named it "Dad's Famous Steak." So one weekend when we were at their house, I asked him, just what is your "famous steak" recipe? He proceeded to go to the refrigerator and take out his secret ingredient that has made him famous with his children. That secret ingredient is "The Famous Allegro Original Marinade."

As you can see how much excitement was brought from this marinade with my Grandchildren, it can produce the same enthusiasm in your kitchen and dinner table too.

This weekend my husband grilled steaks that had been marinaded with the Allegro Marinade overnight. As usual, he grilled them to perfection. They were fantastic served with Bacon and Cheese Stuffed Potatoes.

Dad's (Jeff's) Famous Steak

    2 (1-1 1/2) lb. sirloin steaks (ribeye steak in the photo)
    2-3 teaspoons Kosher salt
    1-2 teaspoons coarse ground pepper
    6 oz. Allegro Original Marinade
    2 tablespoons McCormick Grill Mate Steak Seasoning
Season the steak with the kosher salt and black pepper. Place in a re-sealable plastic food storage bag and add the marinade.

Seal the bag and place in a casserole dish. Refrigerate for at least 2 and up to 4 hours, or overnight, turning occasionally.

Preheat a grill to medium-high. Remove the steak from the refrigerator and allow to come to room temperature for 30 minutes.

Drain the excess marinade off the steak and set the steak on the hot grill.

Cook for 4 minutes on the first side. Rotate the steak 45 degrees, and cook another 4 minutes.

Turn the steak over and continue to cook, about 4 to 6 minutes longer for medium-rare.

Transfer the steak to a clean cutting board, and set aside to rest for at least 5 to 7 minutes.

Serve with potatoes and hot bread. Serves 4-6.  

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Kay Little
Kay Little

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