Party Cheesecakes

1:53 PM
Party Cheesecakes are the perfect mini cheesecakes.  Drop a vanilla wafer in the bottom of paper liners, fill with a creamy cheesecake mixture.  Bake and top with canned pie filling.  Did I say these are the perfect mini cheesecake?

I have had this recipe for years. It was given to me by a dear friend. She was my girls piano teacher, and we attended church together along with all the activities at the school.

I remember her serving these at some of the parties she gave, and I asked her for the recipe. Back in those days, some of the moms in the church would have Tupperware, Home Interior, and Mary Kay parties.  That might just be how the recipe got its name, Party Cheesecakes.

Although the days of Tupperware parties are gone, I still like to serve them at baby showers, wedding showers, and any time I need the perfect dessert finger food.

In the spring I use the peach pie filling, the winter I like to use strawberries, cherries and blueberries are so festive for patriotic holidays.  The recipe calls for fruit pie filling, but I have in the last years used fresh fruit on top of a little cloud of whipped cream.  

Party Cheesecakes
    24 paper muffin cup liners
    24 Vanilla Wafers
    2 8 oz. cream cheese, room temperature
    3/4 cup sugar
    2 eggs
    1 tablespoon lemon juice
    1 teaspoon vanilla
    1 can cherry pie filling
Place one vanilla wafer in 24 paper muffin cup liners in a muffin tin. Combine cream cheese, sugar, eggs, lemon juice and vanilla. Beat until creamy and smooth. Pour 2/3 full into each muffin cup liner. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Cool and refrigerate. Before serving add a spoonful of the pie filling on top of the cheesecakes.

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Kay Little
Kay Little

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  1. I love cheesecake, any, every kind of cheesecake!
    Cheesecake with cherry pie filling sounds terrific!

    Angie's Recipes

  2. Back when I was newly married I had never heard of cheese (and was probably totally grossed out by the thought of a CHEESE cake, LOL). I somehow discovered these wonderful little bites, and was hooked. They were all the rage, what 2 - 3 decades ago (!), fallen from favor, and now they are back again. And rightly so, because I love these as much now as I did back then.

  3. What delicious little treats!! I like the vanilla wafer crust!

  4. YUMMY! I love looking at all your great recipes :)

  5. I like the vanilla wafer idea. Sounds and looks delicious!!

  6. Angies Recipes...thank you for stopping by...hope to see you soon!

    Katy...sounds like you are from my generation...I am going to have to try that apple pie recipe of yours...I enjoy your blog and your spirit!!

    Heidi...thank you...stop by anytime...I always enjoy hearing from you!!

    Kim...thank you...who would have thought that these little wafers make such a neat "little" crust...

    Reeni...these are so easy to make!

  7. How lovely and delicious this looks! I may make this next time we have a bunch of people over :) Looks easy enough :) My mom has a similiar recipe where she uses vanilla wafers as the crust in muffin tins...then tops it with cheesecake filling and cherry pie filling :) Yummm!

  8. I remember my mom making these! Loved them then, love them now!

  9. My mom used to make these! Loved them then, love them now!

  10. There's really nothing better than a vanilla wafer crusted cheesecake!

  11. Making them bite sized sure makes them irresistible. Using a wafer as the crust is quick and I bet delicious.


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