It's All About "Pink"

11:31 AM
These cute pink pokka dotted oversize cups and plates were a featured item that Pampered Chef offered 3 or 4 years ago for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I couldn't resist just featuring them to bring the attention that October is the month for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Be good to yourselves and get your mammograms. This is something that is dear to my heart with having been touched by breast cancer in my own family.

Kay Little
Kay Little

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  1. K, those are some really cute dishes! My mother had breast cancer twice back in 2003 and 2004. She beat it both times :) So this cause is close to my heart as well :)

  2. What beautiful dishes. My aunt is battling breast cancer and starts chemo next week.

  3. Libby, thank you for glad to hear the good news about your mother winning those TWO battles!!

    Heidi, my heart goes out to you and your aunt....I will pray for her and if you will keep me updated...I always want to hear how the battle is going!!!


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