Texas Style Chili Cheese Dip

3:58 PM
Texas Style Chili Cheese Dip, few ingredients thrown together in a crockpot to make the quintessential dip for any gathering.  

Chili and cheese together are the perfect combination that, when you eat it together, you have to scoop it up with a salty tortilla chip.

With each bite you take, there is that taste of spicy chili, creamy cheese, and I add the heat of a slice of jalapeno. Oh my, it is so good. 

 When I make homemade chili, I try to measure out 2 cups and freeze it for when I make Texas Style Chili Dogs, and other recipes that call for chili.  Then I have it available.

For our Super Bowl Party, I decided to use some of my homemade chili with 2 pounds of Velveeta Cheese to make this tasty dip.

Texas Style Chili Cheese Dip
In the bowl of a large crock pot, add the Velveeta cheese, chili, and tomatoes. Cover the crock pot, turn on high.  Heat until dip is smooth and creamy, stirring occasionally.  Cook for approximately 2 hours.

Note: Dip can be heated on the stove in a large saucepan.  The transfer to a crock pot, and keep warm for serving.
A "Little" Tidbit

"Eating words has never given me indigestion." -- Winston Churchill
Kay Little
Kay Little

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  1. Mmmmm... I've never had this dip. When I make rotel dip, I usually do the normal velveeta, sausage and rotel, but I love the idea of changing it up with some chili!!

  2. I love this dip. I also loved your idea of reserving chili for use on chili dogs and in dips later on.

  3. This is a great dip to have on hand for get togethers. Love it! This one is a keeper. Thanks.


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