Horseradish and Parsley Compound Butter

1:00 AM
Compound Butter is a simple, but flavorful way to accentuate a somewhat ordinary dish into a splendid dish. Typically compound butter is used on classic dishes like steak, grilled fish, and vegetable dishes.

I thought it would be a great way to intense the flavor to a classic dish that has been served on our dinner table many times, and that is Rush Hour Supper.

Compound Butter is nothing more than ordinary butter that has been creamed together with some spices, herbs and sometimes flavored oils. For this particular dish, I chose to go with the combination of horseradish and parsley. So if you are looking for a way to bring a classic dish to another level, try using compound butter, and you will not be disappointed.

Horseradish and Parsley Compound Butter
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened room temperature
  • 2 tablespoons fresh parsley chopped
  • 1 tablespoon horseradish sauce
  • Kosher salt
  • Course ground black pepper
In a medium bowl, cream butter until smooth. Add parsley, horseradish, and salt and pepper. Mix all together until evenly mixed and smooth. Spread mixture out onto a square of plastic wrap in a log shape. Roll the butter into a cylinder inside the plastic wrap. Tie the excess plastic wrap at the ends of the cylinder into a knot, or just use little pieces of string to tie off the ends. You can even make a string out of a short section of plastic wrap and rolling it into a little rope. Chill or freeze until needed just before serving. 

Cook's Note:  Compound Butter is not only a savory butter.  It can also be a sweet butter as well. Strawberry Butter has long been used on bagels and Chocolate Butter is a great way to perk up most any muffin!
Kay Little
Kay Little

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  1. What a fabulously interesting change for our dear friend butter!! This sounds really great! I can't wait to try it soon.

  2. Yummy, what a delicious idea. This sounds like it could be good on all sorts of things.

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