A delicious rich breakfast or brunch dish is prepared the night before, placed in the refrigerator, and then baked the following morning. Overnight French Toast I have been searching for the perfect recipe for some time. I could not find one that wasn't like a bread pudding in texture. This recipe is just as perfect as I wanted it to be. Texture wise, it is creamy, delicate on the inside, and tender on the outside-- being able to cut through with ease, similar to the perfect French Toast. Taste wise, it is absolutely scrumptious! Birthday breakfasts are another way to celebrate a person's special day. On the first of July, my Grandsons, Luke, who turned 14, and Gabriel, who turned 11, wanted to celebrate their birthday breakfast at my house with their other cousins who were in town for the week. I asked Luke what he would like me to make. He said, "just surprise me, Grandma"! I made him this Overnight French Toast dish wit...
Showing posts from July, 2012
Old Fashioned Peach Butter {Granny's Recipe}
Old Fashioned Peach Butter, fresh peaches slowly cooked with spices and sugar until the liquid has evaporated lending a smooth silky texture like soft butter. Growing up in the '60s, all I remember was homemade jams and jellies on Mother's breakfast table. It was a traditional event each summer to make Peach Butter from fresh peaches. We would wash all the peaches and peeled each one, leaving a little of the peach with the skin, because that is what she would make her Peach Butter from. Then she would slice up the peaches and put them in a pot on the stove and make peach preserves. I rarely see them anymore, but she would also make Pickled Peaches that graced our table at Thanksgiving and Christmas. When it was all said and done, the only thing we threw away was the seed.
Cream Cheese Biscuits
Cream Cheese Biscuits, fluffy and tender biscuits Southerners love to make. We love them with honey, syrup, jelly, and even a piece of country ham nestled in for a quick sandwich treat. Only three ingredients, self-rising flour, butter, and the star of the recipe–– cream cheese! Who would have thought a cookbook solely about biscuits would grab such an interest in me. Nathalie Depree's Southern Biscuits cookbook did just that. You can find every biscuit imaginable, from the traditional ones all the way to the outlandish ones. She goes into great detail on all the ins and outs of making the perfect biscuit. I have always been a big fan of her in her television days on PBS in the '80s, not to mention all of her many cookbooks. You could say she is my all time favorite Southern cook.
Chocolate Malt Cupcakes {Birthday Celebration}
Chocolate Malt Cupcakes, moist malt chocolate cupcakes with malted milk chocolate buttercream frosting. For those who love malted milkshakes, you will enjoy this delicious cupcake. Celebrating birthdays is one of my favorite things to do with my grandchildren. I am always listening and looking for the recipes to make for their birthdays. One day my Grandson, Gabriel was sitting next to me while I was on Pinterest and spotted these Chocolate Malt Cupcakes pinned from Your Cup of Cake . He remarked that he wanted these for his birthday and he would come back months later and say "remember those cupcakes we saw, I still want them for my birthday". Needless to say, he was thrilled when he saw them on the table for his birthday this past week. We celebrated Gabriel's 11th birthday at a State Park in Daingerfield next to where we live. We cut a watermelon and had these cute cupcakes that were the star attr...
Mrs. Little's Pickled Figs Recipe {A Family Favorite}
These Pickled Figs are an excellent addition to any relish tray, or you can serve them as an appetizer with cheese. You will find that they are rich in flavor and will change all your thoughts about how unappealing figs can be. They have become one of the recipes we so look forward to making every year. Jim's Mother has the fig tree, and as soon as the figs are ready to be picked, we get 3 quarts to go into a big pot. You cook them with vinegar, sugar, and pickling spice for 10 minutes three consecutive days. My children cannot wait for the third day when we put them in the canning jars. I have to get them sealed up really fast because when they start eating them, they can't stop, and now the grandchildren are following right in with them!