Easy Southern Classic Ham all year around. My Mother feels that the coco cola pulls some of the salt off and tenderizes the inside of the ham. It also gives it a wonderful caramelization on the outside. EASY BAKED COUNTRY HAM This is the perfect recipe for any holiday celebrations. To finish out your meal, serve this with Southern Spoonbread , Mama's Southern Baked Beans , Carrot Souffle , and Simple Broccoli Cauliflower Salad . Easter is such a beautiful time of the year. Here in East Texas, it has been uncommonly cold the last week or so, and you would never know that sparing is here except for the beautiful blooms. Another Thing Easter brings is the time of the year we have Easy Baked Country Ham aka Coco Cola Ham. Our Easter mornings are so busy with getting to church, taking pictures, and preparing a delicious meal. A baked spiral ham basted with Classic Coke can sure make it so much simpler. Spiral hams cook faster and are presliced,...
Showing posts from March, 2013
Easter Chocolate Dipped Oreos
Chocolate Dipped Oreos , as double stuffed Oreos are amazing enough and then comes dipping them in chocolate. Oh, my! Super easy and fast to make for any holiday treat. This year for Easter, I was determined to make some Chocolate Dipped Oreos . We had these treats for Christmas this year, and they were the bomb. So much so, I had to hide a few just to give out some in my Christmas Gift Boxes . This recipe has been circling Pinterest for awhile now. I would see them a lot, and then they would go out of site, but around the holidays, they come back around. They truly are amazing, not to mention C-R-A-Z-Y easy to make.. You think---how can you make Oreos, which are already amazing, even better. Just dip them in chocolate and you will see!
Homemade Coconut Cream Pie + an easy method for cooking the filling! {Granny's Recipe}
Homemade Coconut Cream Pie , a classy southern pie for years. It is made with a homemade rich and creamy filling, covered with pillows of whipped cream and sprinkled with sweetened coconut. Easter just screams Homemade Coconut Cream Pie , and I mean homemade from start to finish. This recipe comes from my Mother, who was the Queen of pie making in our family. She could whip out pies of every kind in little of no time. Her secret was to have plenty of pie crust made up, and in the freezer. When she was ready to make cream pies, all she had to do, was pull one or two out of the freezer and pop them in the oven. While they were baking, she would go ahead and start making the filling. She would use a certain pot every time and stand at the stove just stirring away because you couldn't walk away while making the pie filling. Making homemade pie filling is intimidating to some people. They just don't know when it is ready. Here is a...
Southern Style Coleslaw + How to make the dressing to go on it! {Granny's Recipe}
Southern Style Coleslaw , a quick and easy side dish served up with a lot of Southern dishes, fried chicken, catfish and delicious BBQ. A few simple ingredients, cabbage, carrots and the perfect dressing are all you need. This recipe brings back memories of my Mother shredding her cabbage and carrots in one of those Stainless Steel Saladmaster Food Processors that was popular in the 60's and 70's. It would take no time, and she would have her Southern Style Coleslaw made and on the table for our meal.