Inspirational Thoughts #9 The Road Home

8:46 AM

Kay Little
Kay Little

This is a short biography of the post author and you can replace it with your own biography.


  1. This is beautiful, Kay, thank you. I lost a very dear family member this week, and your picture and scripture really spoke to me. You've helped me have a better day- I wish a good day for you, too. :)

    Love, Joy @

    1. Thank you Joy....sometimes I ask myself to post or not! You ministered to me to always post!! It has been a great day after seeing your comment!! (hugs)

  2. AWWW - that felt good to be reminded of Kay. Thanks so much for sharing. SOOO many needy loved ones in this day and age...I will be sure to pass it along too. God bless your week Dear.

    1. Thank you Marsha ~ I meant to reply to another comment of yours and couldn't remember which one it was to let you know we are still in the hotel. Things are moving a little fast than before and we are getting closer to getting in our house!

  3. Thank you for sharing this. It has been a blessing to me.


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