Showing posts from August, 2013
Traditional Stuffed Eggs
Traditional Stuffed Eggs are as old as the hills in the south. The traditional ingredients are mashed egg yolks, mayonnaise, yellow mustard, salt, and pepper with a little bit of minced onion and minced pickles. Garnishes are optional. As time has gone on, the ingredients have expounded to the hot and spicy and all kinds of fillers. It is easy to create your own variations. The binder is usually mayonnaise, but sour cream, yogurt, and cream can be used. The fillers should be more in ratio than the mashed egg yolks, and make sure they are minced so they are easy to scoop and fill in the egg white half. To start this recipe, you will need to know how to make the perfect boiled eggs, so head over to my recipe for Shrimp Stuffed Eggs . Have you ever added too much mayonnaise or mustard to your egg yolks, and the filling is too runny? Don't fret; I have a secret to fixing that; add instant potato flakes a tablespoon at a time until the fillin...