German Chocolate Cake Balls

6:11 AM

German Chocolate Cake Balls are just another addition to my long list of German Chocolate favorites.  

German Chocolate Cake Balls are just another addition to my long list of German Chocolate favorites.

If you have not made cake balls before, this recipe is a good one to start with.  Typically, you can make them with cake mixes, canned frosting, and dipping chocolate.  

How easy is that?  Only 3 ingredients!

Valentine's is just around the corner, and these would be a wonderful treat.   

These are fun to make with your children and Grandchildren like I did.  

We had so much fun making them, and dipping them was the best.  

For some more wonderful Valentine's treats, look to the right on the sidebar.

German Chocolate Cake Balls 

1 (15.25 oz) package Pillsbury German Chocolate Mix (including all the ingredients to make the cake)
1 (16 oz) tub Pillsbury Pecan Coconut Frosting
1 (24 oz) block Chocolate Almond Bark

Bake cake mix according to package directions.  Cool on a wire rack until cool to the touch.

In a bowl of an electric mix, crumble the baked cake.  Add 1/2 of the tub of frosting.   Using the paddle attachment, all together until blended.

Using a medium scoop to form the cake mixture into balls.  Roll into 1" balls and place on a cookie sheet.

After all the cake mixture has been rolled into balls, place the sheet pan in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

While the cake balls are in the refrigerator, melt the chocolate according to the package directions.

Dipp chilled cake balls in the melted chocolate using a fork.   Tap the fork against the bowl to release excess chocolate and place it on a lined sheet pan to harden.

German Chocolate Cake Balls are just another addition to my long list of German Chocolate favorites.


Kay Little
Kay Little

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  1. Oh Kay - not only do the cake balls look fantastic, your photo is gorgeous as well. LOVE THIS and am going to make very soon. So glad you shared at Weekend Potluck. Enjoy a great weekend and please....stay warm Friend!!!!

    1. Thank you Marsha…love you stopping by!!

  2. Hi, Kay! These are beautiful, and I love that they have only THREE ingredients! It really does sound like a fun activity to do with the kids. :) Happy Weekend!

  3. These look delicious!!! Perfect little gift for Valentine's day!

  4. Anonymous2/11/2014

    These look so pretty. You did a really good job covering them, mine are always really bad like a Pinterest fail bad. I admire people that can make frosting/chocolate look good like this!

  5. Ooo, I'm glad you brought them to Treasure Box Tuesday. Beautiful for Valentine's! *happy sigh* :D Pinned these little beauties! ♥

  6. My dad doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, but he LOVES German chocolate cake! I am definitely keeping this to try for him sometime! Thanks for sharing at Share Your Stuff Tuesdays!


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