This recipe for Queso Macaroni and Cheese came about from having leftover queso that I made for a family get together. It was just enough to spice up some macaroni and cheese. The queso is the classic Velveeta and Rotel tomato recipe that is always a crowd pleaser. I love having leftover queso to add flavor to breakfast casseroles, vegetables, and meat dishes so I usually make more than we are going to eat. I hope the next time you make queso you will make this recipe for Queso Macaroni and Cheese. It is easy and quick to prepare not to mention yummy too, and was an excelent accompaniment to the Baked BBQ Country Style Pork Steaks . Enjoy!
Showing posts from March, 2014
Glazed Strawberry Bread
Glazed Strawberry Bread will get you in the mood for Spring. It is full of fresh strawberries and covered with a simple glaze. STRAWBERRY QUICK BREAD Strawberry bread tastes like spring in a quick bread. It is so tender, moist, and full of strawberry goodness. The recipe is easy and quick, with no mixer needed. We love this bread for breakfast, but who says you can't have it for dessert with a dollop of whipped cream and some chunky strawberry sauce? I can't wait for Spring to arrive in East Texas! Unlike when I was growing up, fresh fruit is in the grocery stores all year around, but one thing hasn't changed: seasonal fruit always has a better price because it is plentiful. Like apples in the Fall are cheaper, peaches, watermelons and cantaloupes in the summer, and all kinds of berries in the spring and early summer. I love that Strawberries are beginning to make a big appearance here in the grocery stores, which means ...