Weeknight Supper Meal , an inspiration for one of your meals for the week including how to makeover leftovers, how to freeze leftovers and a decadent dessert for your special Valentine's. Skillet Lasagna, one skillet meal including all the ingredients of a traditional Lasagna. But this is a shortcut version cooking the hamburger , sauce, and soft cheese along with the noodles all together. One fabulous skillet meal!
Showing posts from February, 2017
Super Bowl Party Eats
Football Party Food , a collection of our favorite game day food we enjoy! I have included good eats from all spectrums, appetizers, main dishes, sandwiches, sliders, salads, and don't forget the sweet treats. Are you ready for some football this weekend? If you are having a Super Bowl Party or headed to one, these football eats are sure to wow your guest. Enjoy!
Weeknight Supper Meal: Old Fashioned Chicken Pot Pie
Weeknight Supper Meal , an inspiration for one of your meals for the week including how to make most of the meal ahead of time, how to freeze leftovers and a couple of sweets for the Super Bowl Party! Chicken Pot Pie is the quintessential comfort food in the south. We love a savory blend of, tender chicken, mixed vegetables in a creamy sauce and blanketed in a flaky pastry.