Peach Dumpling Cobbler is a cobbler made with fresh sliced peaches layered between three layers of sweet, tender, buttery dough. Boiling water is poured over the whole cobbler. The dough transforms magically, making sheets of dumplings. OLD FASHIONED SOUTHERN PEACH COBBLER This old-fashioned peach cobbler is Southern in every respect. It features fresh peaches and a flaky, buttery crust that magically transforms into sheets of dumplings. Peach Dumpling Cobbler is the first dessert I want to make as the peach season approaches. We love my Double Crust Peach Cobbler recipe, but lately, the Peach Dumpling Cobbler has become the first choice. They are both easy enough to make. We just love the dumpling texture in the Peach Dumpling Cobbler. And really, the only difference between the two recipes is that the Peach Dumpling Cobbler has three layers of crust instead of two, and 2 cups of boiling water is poured over the whole cobbler....
Showing posts from July, 2019
Christmas In July! Chessmen Butter Cookie Pineapple Pudding
Pineapple Pudding , creamy, velvety homemade custard pudding layered between Pepperidge Farm Chessmen Butter Cookies, classic southern. The Christmas Chessmen add a charming touch to the dessert during the holidays, simply scrumptious. Christmas in July is a fun Christmas celebration in July that originated from the circumstance that in the southern hemisphere, Christmas is actually celebrated in the summer. So for the residents from that area, they began to have Christmas celebration in July so they could enjoy the holiday in the peak of their winter season. So here in the United States, we began to embrace the concept. Americans began capitalizing on the profits with sales and promotions. And then there is the early count down, six months, which has us all looking forward to all the Christmas fun. Hallmark definitely plays a big part in all the anticipation with all the Christmas movies playing on their channels.
Stain Glass Fruit Salad
Stain Glass Fruit Salad, fresh pineapple chunks, fresh strawberry slices, and fresh blueberries tossed all together in a strawberry pie filling, homemade or canned. Light and fresh...who says it can't be for dessert! The night before any celebration we are having, I make Celebration Salad. I like another quick fruit salad I make from my childhood using canned fruit, but this is our favorite. I try to use fresh fruit as much as I can. Especially now, while the strawberries, pineapple, and blueberries are in season. We have some that are not a fan of bananas in this salad, so we leave them out but feel free to add them along with any other fresh fruit. I think Kiwi and grapes would be another delicious addition or even peaches. If you add peaches, a homemade peach pie filling is a great combination.