{Granny's Recipes}

3:17 PM
I have had a real passion for cooking that was passed down by my Mother, Fern Sewell. Her kitchen was where everyone would gather to talk and share life's happenings while she kept on cooking.  

Mother had all the style of a true Southern cook.  She loved making a big pitcher of sweet tea and serving it with fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and cream gravy.  In the summer, we picked and canned all kinds of vegetables.  Her favorite meal was serving lady cream peas and chow chow relish with a bowl of sliced onions and tomatoes, and that would not be complete without a pan of Southern cornbread.   

I grew up in the piney woods of East Texas in the '50s and '60s.  The memories of her recipes she created and cooked for me as a child, and shared with me as a young newlywed, are memories that I still have today.  

These recipes are from Mother's recipe box, some of which are her originals, and some are from her friends and family.  When I know for sure, I will give credit to the source. Click the photo below to see her recipes. 

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Looking for more recipes? Use the search bar in the top right-hand corner or click on My Recipe Box in the top menu.

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Looking for more recipes? Use the search bar in the top right-hand corner or click on My Recipe Box in the top menu.


  1. Hello Kay, I am so excited to find your blog. As I scrolled through your recipes I felt like I was back at my Grandmama's table waiting for dinner.I look forward to exploring every inch! Blessings, Kay M.

  2. I enjoyed reading your recipes. The page for Daddy's Lemon Icebox Pie does not exist. I grew up (Waco) eating pineapple Pie made like other fruit pies or as a pineapple pudding Pie, but never had it as a custard. I finally got to where I can make a really good biscuit, just not the way my grandmother (Groesbeck) made them. The only complaint I get is that they fall apart too easily when putting jelly inside. I was hoping you had a biscuit recipe that might help with my technique. I suspect temperature or possibly amount of fat, but I have tried numerous recipes over the years before getting the light fluffy biscuits I make now. Nobody makes them exactly like I do although there are many similar. I am looking forward to the sweet dill pickle recipe. My mother-i-law used to can semicream corn and also improved pinto beans. I think she got the bean seeds in Alabama or Tennessee. Thank you for your blog.

    1. Thank you for letting me know the link for the Daddy's Lemon Icebox Pie was not working. I have corrected the problem. Thank you for stopping by CWK! I do have a several good recipes for biscuits on the blog. Go to the upper lefthand corner and in the search box put in biscuits and it will take you to all of them. Again, thank you for stopping by and come back soon!

  3. Hi Kay, you seem to have all the old fashioned recipes that my great grandmother made while she blessed this world many years ago. I was 9 when she passed away,but I remember as soon as I could stand on a stool to teach the counter at 5 she had me helping her cook and it's amazing that I remember some of those recipes. She didn't use measuring cups, always a pinch of this a handful of that or eyed it, so some of the recipes are impossible to remember. One of them that no one in our family can figure out and miss dearly is an apple stack cake that she made using a cast iron skillet and topped with eithera homemade icing or a sweet apple mess she would make.
    I remember the cake having pieces of apple and the taste of cinnamon in it.The cake was 2 or 3 layers, I cannot remember, but it was moist and so good.
    I'm wondering if you know the recipe, if you possibly have shared it here or if you have it would you please share it?
    My mother and I have been searching for many years and cannot find it. My Nanny (I called her that) was born back in 1902 and passed in 1989 to give you an idea of the errands she lived.
    A lot of your southern recipes are spot on as far as matching her cooking and that is why I felt I must teach out to you and at least ask.
    Thank you,

  4. I spent a lot of time on my grandparents farm in rural mississippi, my grandfather always ate his cornbread in milk, and some of my fondest memories is sitting with him and talking over a glass of milk with cornbread in it. I still eat my cornbread that way, im 65 and love my cornbread, thank you for sharing and I love ur recipes.

  5. Well Hello and Merry Christmas everyone!! I was looking for a recipe I saw about no bake desserts and misdirected myself to your page. Something about your blog had caught my attention and after I finished my No Bake Lemon Blueberry Dessert by SweetOrdeal.com, I just had to stop back by. I love your blogs! I'm not a blogger but it was so interesting I read all of them. It was so enjoyable and I went to your "Recipes" to see what else you had and was I surprised!! It was like someone had found my grandmother's old recipes, that she always kept in her head. My grandmother, I do believe, was from the south but we never knew for sure. I live alone since my husband passed in 2017, my daughters and grown with families of their own, and I don't cook much. I have a problem with eating because I don't get hungry nor have any appetite. I just want you to know that your recipes reminded me so much of my grandmother and the next time I think, just think, of having some good old southern food, I'm coming back to your site!! This is a great way to start a new year after being blessed to survive 2020's pandemic. Thank all of you.

  6. Please let me know if you receive my post because the first one didn't seem to be accepted. Thank you

  7. I have enjoyed reading the comments on your recipes. I am 64 yrs old and i was raised by my Great Grandmother who was born and raised in Greenville Mississippi. They moved to Centralia Illinois in the early 50's and that's where I was raised. Mama's oldest sister came to live with us when i was about 6yrs old. When I tell you these two women could cook up some food... Man oh man. I was MADE to sit in the kitchen and fix food for Sunday Dinner on Saturday while all the kids were outside playing. I was made to peel everything and go out and pick the Greens, and help Papa plant the potatoes etc., I was mad back then at them but I'm so thankful they made me to it because it has made me who I am today. So many of your recipes I've read made me smile because it was the way Mama cooked. I'm like you I just can't seem to make my Mama's Sweet Potato Pie ...I've tried and tried I came close one time but didn't write it down so I don't know what I did extra.. LOL anyway I'll continue to read them I've already copied and pasted so many of them. One thing I got down for sure was her home made chicken and Dumplings...LOL Thank you again and keep doing what you're doing as we all pass these along.


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