Showing posts with the label Home Canning
Homemade Grape Jam
Homemade Grape Jam, perfectly tart and sweet, this recipe is easy to make and delicious on biscuits, peanut butter sandwiches, and homemade pop tarts. There are a few favorites I have when it comes to home canning, and making jam is at the top. There is such a feeling of accomplishment when you pop open a jar of homemade jams and jellies. Making jam is a lot of work, but truly a labor of love. That is how I feel about the Homemade Grape Jam I made this summer. By the time, my husband picked the grapes, and I processed the grapes to make juice, and then the canning, there is a lot of time invested, but so well worth it. This summer was not any different when it came to harvesting our grapes from our one and only grapevine. When it was all said and done, my husband had picked 7 gallons of grapes, which brought 40 jars of jam. This grapevine is large and has the best combination of sweet and tart grapes, ...
Classic Lime Sweet Pickles
Classic Lime Sweet Pickles , cucumbers made into the most heavenly crisp, sweet, tangy pickle you will ever eat. The hardest part about making these pickles is waiting for them to be ready to eat. This summer, we had more cucumbers than we knew what to do with due to a little, or you might say a big mistake.
Old Fashioned Peach Butter {Granny's Recipe}
Old Fashioned Peach Butter, fresh peaches slowly cooked with spices and sugar until the liquid has evaporated lending a smooth silky texture like soft butter. Growing up in the '60s, all I remember was homemade jams and jellies on Mother's breakfast table. It was a traditional event each summer to make Peach Butter from fresh peaches. We would wash all the peaches and peeled each one, leaving a little of the peach with the skin, because that is what she would make her Peach Butter from. Then she would slice up the peaches and put them in a pot on the stove and make peach preserves. I rarely see them anymore, but she would also make Pickled Peaches that graced our table at Thanksgiving and Christmas. When it was all said and done, the only thing we threw away was the seed.
Mrs. Little's Pickled Figs Recipe {A Family Favorite}
These Pickled Figs are an excellent addition to any relish tray, or you can serve them as an appetizer with cheese. You will find that they are rich in flavor and will change all your thoughts about how unappealing figs can be. They have become one of the recipes we so look forward to making every year. Jim's Mother has the fig tree, and as soon as the figs are ready to be picked, we get 3 quarts to go into a big pot. You cook them with vinegar, sugar, and pickling spice for 10 minutes three consecutive days. My children cannot wait for the third day when we put them in the canning jars. I have to get them sealed up really fast because when they start eating them, they can't stop, and now the grandchildren are following right in with them!
14 Day Sun Pickles {Granny's Recipe}
14 Day Sun Pickles , homemade dill pickles tailored to suit your taste, just not the traditional canning method. Simple pickling method that leaves you with a fantastic crunchy cucumber. Summer is here in East Texas, and cucumbers are beginning to make in the gardens. One of my favorite summer traditions at my house growing up was making 14 Day Sun Pickles with my Mother.
Hot Sweet Pepper Relish and Spicy Pinto Beans
Hearty, flavorful Pinto Beans cooked with Mexican-style seasonings make a great side dish, with cornbread and topped with hot sweet pepper relish! I just read or heard on a food show that it has long been said that pinto beans originated in San Antonio and some refer to them as "Cowboy Beans". I don't know all about that, all I remember is that my mother cooked a lot of them when I was growing up in the 60's, so delicious, and I never got tired of them! Many a time they were the main course on our dinner table with a pan of cornbread and Chow Chow.
Pear Honey
Pear Honey is just a little thicker than traditional honey and thinner than a preserve or jam. Beginning in the fall every year, sometime in September, a friend of mine would give me huge amounts of fresh pears from off their trees. There were too many to eat before they would go bad, so I needed another recipe besides Pear Preserves. This recipe is perfect because it calls for real ripe pears.
Crockpot Apple Butter
Crockpot Apple Butter, an easy recipe made right in your slow cooker several hours during the day or overnight. One of the most delicious treats for fall or all through the year. This apple butter is just too easy to make. All you have to do is throw the ingredients into your crockpot and let it cook all day. Now, how easy is that?