This is a new journey for me as a blogger. I hope to experience a new fondness for writing and sharing my creations, activities, and events that are going on in my family life. I am in the season of my life that I am living my dream and enjoying it. The most important part of my life is to be so close to the Lord that I know immediately when I can't hear His heart beat. Jim, my husband is the man that helps me keep this in place and is always there to direct me to do what God's Word says for my life. God has plans for my life that are so rich and giving. One of those plans are for me to write my first cookbook. I have had a real passion for cooking for years that was inspired by my mother, Fern Sewell. The memories of her recipes she created and cooked for me as a child, and shared with me as a young newly wed, are memories that I still have today. Through this inspiration, I am in the beginning stages of writing a cookbook, show casing her recipes, my recipes, and my child